Re-Energize SW VA, Why Civic Engagement Matters

-Taysha DeVaughan, Pres.

Access to community input in the development processes of any project is a hurdle. Projects that are geared towards a just transition and economic development must emphasize this. These type of projects are doomed to repeat the same systemic negligence of our communities if our experiences and knowledge is not included in the research/planning processes. The consequences of not taking the time and intention to honestly engage our communities will only lead to more conflict as we build towards clean energy in SW VA. To drive community participation, resources must be applied in many areas of outreach, not just traditional media. If a just transition is a goal, then the power needs to come to where truth can be spoken.

There have been engagement initiatives specific to our region that are intended to come into our communities and hear our comments on possible development strategies and projects, but you may have not heard of these at all. To strengthen community participation state resources must be put towards advertising locally.

During the time of COVID-19, in the shift to virtual operating spaces and acceptance of other means of communication, many official meetings are available to stream and accept email comments as public comments. Before a citizen would need to be in-person for pubic comment, or email our comments the day of. Now our options are to engage via email after the date of the meeting, and in some spaces a virtual public comment is available.

One space that needs YOUR VOICE is the REENERGIZE SOUTHWEST initiative.

“Somebody should do something!” That is always said, but at what point do we stop expecting justice from “somebody” and start demanding it for ourselves.

Here is YOUR chance! Make it count!

The workgroup will focus on workforce redevelopment, economic diversification, reclamation of coal-impacted lands and brownfields, community revitalization, infrastructure improvements, and clean energy development. The workgroup must provide an interim report to the General Assembly no later than November 8, 2021, and a final report by December 1, 2021.

DMME will receive comments through a variety of formats.

Comments will be accepted through September 30, 2021.

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