What Is The Mountain Movement Hub?
The SAMS Community Center is a physical space housing the organizing concept of the movement hub. Coined "The Mountain Movement Hub" to give credence to our attention to, respect toward, and love of place.
Because the work we do is rooted in the intersections of economy, ecology, culture, and care, these pillars have become the matrix from which Hub work radiates. Everything, everywhere, is tried inextricably to these intersections of the experience.
We want to ensure that how we move engages with these principles of interconnectedness, community, place, and care.
Our Hub Partners
A commitment to mutual aid, crisis response such as flood or disaster relief, and education and assistance for accessing and navigating vital services such as healthcare, social services, and access to government (i.e. informational flyers explaining how to access SNAP, eligibility for unemployment benefits, how to access to funding for solar conversions), especially during times of crises or hardship in the broader community
Quickly alerting and mobilizing our networks to organize around areas of potentially negative impact on the human and ecological health of our communities.
Supporting the organizing of community members with material resources such as staff time, financial support or fundraising and grant-writing assistance, space, and technology.
Assessing public opinion on needs and opportunities in our communities. What are the most pressing local issues in our focus area, what constituencies would benefit from our support, what opportunities are there for us to address needs? Who can we partner with to meet these needs?